Whether our kids are serious athletes or just love to get out and play with their friends, cutting physical activity out of their day for two months or longer is not an option. So, how do you keep them active but coronavirus-free in these uncertain times? Here are a few activities you can consider.
Make This a Retro Summer.
Classic Games are Ideal
for Staying Active
Whether our kids are serious athletes or just love to get out and play with their friends, cutting physical activity out of their day for two months or longer is not an option. So, how do you keep them active but coronavirus-free in these uncertain times? Here are a few activities you can consider.
We Could All Use
a Black Belt Attitude
Whether our kids are serious athletes or just love to get out and play with their friends, cutting physical activity out of their day for two months or longer is not an option. So, how do you keep them active but coronavirus-free in these uncertain times? Here are a few activities you can consider.
A Clean Slate:
Just What Youth Sports Needs
Only 24 percent of American children between the ages of 6 and 17 get the physical activity recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. That means three-quarters of our children are not getting 60 minutes (or more) per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity and vigorous intensity physical activity at least three days per week.
Three Simple Tips for Making Online Learning Easier for Parents, Students and Teachers
Whether our kids are serious athletes or just love to get out and play with their friends, cutting physical activity out of their day for two months or longer is not an option. So, how do you keep them active but coronavirus-free in these uncertain times? Here are a few activities you can consider.
To Be a Transformative Coach, Remember These Four Things
Whether our kids are serious athletes or just love to get out and play with their friends, cutting physical activity out of their day for two months or longer is not an option. So, how do you keep them active but coronavirus-free in these uncertain times? Here are a few activities you can consider.