Does your child resist joining a regular sports team? Here are four simple steps you can take to promote physical activity and good health.
Transitioning From Middle School to High School Sports
Helping to manage expectations during the transition from middle school athletic programs to playing on high school teams.
Youth Sports Specialization at an Early Age
Learn why intense training in a single sport at the exclusion of others should be delayed until high school to optimize success while minimizing risk for injury and psychological stress.
Navigating Social Media
Don’t let one bad tweet undermine your career. Tips for using social media to your advantage.
Bullying and Hazing
Learn how to protect the well-being of team members and improve team performance by recognizing, managing and preventing bullying and hazing on your team.
Collaborating with Parents
This video will help parents and coaches define the appropriate and necessary roles they can play to create a positive and respectful relationship.