Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. What’s this got to do with sport? Athletes must live in the moment in order to perform to their full potential and to master skills. Using mindfulness, the athlete can […]
mental health
Concentration: Three exercises
to bring back focus
Here are three exercises to help athletes avoid choking, being intimidated or getting psyched out and to become mentally tough by learning to improve their ability to concentrate. Begin each exercise by sitting comfortably in a place that’s free from distractions. After gaining proficiency in your ability to concentrate, you can progressively add distractions. Allow […]
What every teen should know:
Seven steps for relieving stress
Being a teenager has never been easy. Even before COVID-19, the incidences of anxiety and depression were rising. Today, the numbers are even higher. Here are some suggestions to help keep your life more stable, productive, and positive. 1. Practice kindness. Start with yourself. Teens are so often full of negative thoughts. Give yourself a time […]
Mental Preparation: Reduce
Pre-Game Anxiety and Stress
Mental preparation before competition is often overlooked or minimized by athletes and their coaches. As a result of a lack of mental preparation, some athletes become so nervous and tense before competition that they literally feel weak and tired before stepping onto the field, court, running track or pool deck. This can lead to underachievement […]
5 questions to ask yourself
before you make a decision
We often downplay the role stress plays in decision making and how it affects our frame of mind. As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, it is a good time to take a step back and carefully evaluate situations with a solid game plan. Decision making is never an easy exercise, but it can be […]
The First Step to Overcoming Your Fears is Acknowledging the Scary Stuff
Most of us in the United States have been in quarantine for more than two months. While some states are beginning to open for business, 47 have cancelled the remainder of the school year and some health officials are suggesting social distancing should last through the summer. The way we respond to stressors is a […]